Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality is a complex issue that can have huge implications on the information age that we live in. Currently all information online is treated the same way by ISPs. This means that your internet service provider does not give preferential treatment to certain types of data such as email, video streams, or bit torrent traffic. Similarly ISPs do not give preferential treatment to specific domains. Without net neutrality laws there is a possibility that ISPs could block or limit access to certain domains and give faster access to others that pay them more money. For example, if my local ISP (Charter Communications) is paid by ABC to have their website delivered to me at 10mbps but NBC does not want to pay Charter then Charter could limit my connection speed to NBC to 1mbps or block them altogether.
This is dangerous! The internet has brought us into a global economy and if ISPs are allowed to block certain domains or businesses then the internet will become fragmented and it will destroy the very concept of open information that can be accessed from anywhere.
If you would like to get more information about Net Nuetrality or if you would like to join the debate go to www.savetheinternet.com/faq.


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